When in the digital space, remember to always double-check you’re meeting WCAG AA accessibility standards (or above) by using a minimum contrast checker.
Primary palette
Secondary palette
The secondary palette isn’t required in design; however, hints of the secondary palette should show up in photography whenever possible.
B2B Gradient
When using the B2B gradient, you may use either the horizontal (0° angle) or vertical (90° angle) to naturally follow the shape the gradient is within. The transition point of the gradient should fall exactly in the middle. The gradient details are more of a guideline, but can be tweaked if necessary.
Be mindful of any white text or logos being used on top of the B2B gradient as the lighter color is not AA accessible. Keeping content on the left to middle side of the gradient is preferred.
Blue 700 HEX: #0077B3 RGB: 0, 119, 179 CMYK: 100, 47, 0, 0 PANTONE® 2935 C
Electric Blue HEX: #00B2EF RGB: 0, 178, 239 CMYK: 88, 1, 0, 0 PANTONE® 2295
96 Sans is our custom typeface which gives us a completely unique brand identity.
It also gives us a way to tie the look and feel of our brand identity across all
creative pieces. For a more detailed breakdown of the nuances of type styling,
see the full version
of the Agency Brand Identity.
- 96 Sans Light, Regular, Bold, or Heavy
- Sentence case
- PMS 2935 / Blue 700
Welcome to Progressive
- 96 Sans Medium
- Sentence case
- Black
As the market evolves, Progressive evolves
- 96 Sans Bold
- Sentence case
- Black
A leader in commercial
Body Copy
- 96 Sans Light
- Sentence case
- Black
Our business market targets, or BMTs, give Progressive a granular focus into the commercial auto industry. This highly segmented approach allows us to be more responsive to changing market needs in the commercial auto industry.
Paving the way for success
Here's what makes Progressive stand out:
- Write across all 50 states
- Cover both preferred risks and new ventures
- Turn around more business—with rates in as little as 15 minutes!
- Dedicated and expanding business group
- Specialized in-house commercial claims adjusters
- Suite of new products being tested and added all the time!
Icons translate our products into bite-sized, visual nuggets.
Like everything else, they are an important communication aid and have guidelines to ensure they make the best impact. Before working with iconography, check out our icon best practices.
B2B icons
These icons, pulled from the secondary set of icons, feature a one-color design with all black strokes. Use these icons to represent our products and services.
Product train icons
These simplified icons, developed from the secondary set of the Progressive icon best practices, feature a one-color design of all black, however, they're further simplified and include a thicker stroke weight of 2px instead of 1px. Use these for design accents, in patterns, and in a product train.
Life of the agent
- Candid shots of agents, agencies, and customers, in the field, using tools and technology.
Progressive people and culture
- Candid, unscripted shots of Progressive people on campus, interacting with sales team, agents, and leadership, attending various cultural and community events, etc.
Customers and products
When it comes to photography, we should feature authentic, environmental, and casual imagery. Think candid, natural, approachable, and professional.
- Utilize warm tones with high contrast and pops of brand colors.
- Compositions should appear like they come from a natural, first-person perspective and eye height.
- Talent should illustrate diversity in gender, age, and race. Whenever possible, use real agents, customers, and Progressive people.
- Avoid top-down and other unnatural perspectives.
- Avoid direct-to-camera looks and gazes.
Essence of Flo
- Images that convey the bubbly brand icon without showing Flo’s likeness.
Substantiation badges
Our Core B2B substantiations are leveraged to solidify our place as a leader in the agency space and build confidence with our agent customers.
Substantiation badges function as a stamp of approval and are designed to be used individually in one to two colors. Copy in badges is legally substantiated,
therefore the copy cannot be changed. Below is an overview of all legally substantiated and approved badges for use with agent, rep, and sometimes customer audiences.
We also leverage unique badges in Commercial Lines B2B,
Recreational Lines (aka Special Lines),
and customer-facing communications. See those pages for product-specific badges.
This pattern represents the products that any agent can sell—whether that’s auto, home, renters, motorcycle, boat, RV, commercial auto, BOP, or more. The icons used here are the simplified monoline version rather than the primary version, because of the reduced scale.
Design elements
Angled block
Mirror the angle “P” in our logo to be -25°; the angled block is used as a graphic accent to frame or accentuate content.
Quote bracket
The quote bracket is used to highlight a short snippet of important copy, either a pull quote or copy callout.
Please match the white space between the quote brackets and the quote as seen in the example below.
Use when developing Progressive-to-agent training resources. The ribbon provides a recognizable, at-a-quick-glance reference of the name of the document for agents and reps.
Brand behaviors
Let’s ‘talk’ about Independent Agents
We use all seven brand behaviors to create the PGR voice for Agency. However, based on past Agency projects, we’ve found that we write with the following behaviors in mind the most:
When it comes to insurance, Independent Agents have the power of choice. They also have a lot going on in their day-to-day. That’s why we need to be as concise, direct, and empathetic as we can when talking to them—using plain, easy-to-understand language when explaining products, policies, and claims.
We treat relationships as valuable and permanent from day one. But, when they need our assistance, we need to shine by offering friendly, pleasant, solution-oriented advice to our agents, guiding them with useful information in a convenient way.
We should treat our independent agents as valuable and permanent from day one. Whether they’re just starting out as an agent or have been quoting us for years, we need to always lay out the red carpet and continually greet them with open arms.
Keeping it simple: Creating content for PGR
When it comes to writing—whether it’s body copy, headlines, articles or more—one of our general guiding principles for all Progressive communications is to keep it simple. To cut out all of the clutter, bring the main message to the forefront, and keep our content as simplistic and easy-to-read as possible.
That’s why we’ve put together a number of questions for writers, designers, and content creators to ask themselves before, during, and after the creative build:
- Can my message be delivered more succinctly?
- Can any elements be removed from the layout?
- Is my vocabulary as clear and direct as possible?
- Can the content be made more scannable and easier to read?